The ligthweigth widgets for your next XHTML GUI...
activewidgets: this is the best web datagrid I've seen at this moment, but it still has some troubles:
- it's not free: the developer uses a dual license model that I don't like
- it's often cumbersome and offers too many functionality for most of current usages; using this grid for every table presentation could requires a great amount of RAM
- it's not designed for a large usage but like an excellent-looking component to enhance some special web page
TurboWidgets: full-featured
datagrid built over the Dojo toolkit; it's free only for non-commercial purposes, and it's heavy-weigthed
like activewidget (or more...)
x-desktop: the best cross-platfoem web desktop I know at this moment.
I actually use this for my projects that requires a decent look and stability (I can't deliver to my customers
the beta stage LWdesktop!) so I often experience slowness and browser crashes when opening a lot of forms...
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This document last modified Tuesday, 28-Mar-2006 07:06:08 UTC